Tag Archives: sexy

Sexy Ugly?


Is it just me that uses the phrase sexy ugly? There are some people who you just can’t help being attracted to, even though you know that if you really look at them and I mean really study their face, they’re actually not that pretty at all. I think that the perfect example for me has always been Benicio del Toro, there’s just something about him – I guess it’s that american/hispanic/mafia accent, long hair and mysterious semi closed eyes….

The reason that I’m thinking about this is because I’ve recently seen a lot of pictures of Lara Stone, top model and the new face of Louis Vuitton,  taking the spot from Madonna.

I guess Lara Stone must be a female Benicio de Toro… although I have to admit that I still can’t quite see the attraction. But I do love the fact that when she was younger she probably felt self-conscious about that gap in her teeth and now it’s made her one of the most wanted models in the business. There’s definitely some karma in there somewhere!

Damn it, I always knew I should never have got those braces when I was younger, I could have still had that gap in my teeth and be the face of Louis Vuitton right about now! Oh well, life goes on….